Friday, June 25, 2010

Journey Group

Also known as a Small Group or Cell Group...whatever you may call it, having a core group of people to surround yourself with and "do life" together is essential for spiritual, emotional & personal growth.

My husband & I are part of a Journey Group. Eight couples meet regularly on Thursday nights to discuss a recently preached, sermon related topic. We are on different steps of our walk with Jesus. We talk about faith, marriage, parenting, politics and what God's word has to say about such topics. Sometimes we debate and disagree. We pray for each other. We are challenged and grown in our personal faith. It is a completely safe environment.

But it's also what happens outside of the parameters of the Thursday night "Journey Group" that makes this group so special, so valuable, so crucial to my relationship with God and with others. These people are my family...the body of Christ. We share in the experiences of life together. We barbecue together. We swim together. We celebrate birthdays together. We bring our kids and pass on the importance of being a part of Christ's family to them. We love to laugh.

I know that I can call upon my Journey Group in times of trouble and they will be there. I trust these people and know I can speak openly and honestly to them and will not be judged. My children have a handful of adults who they can go to for any reason.

Our group is not closed. We invite people to join us at any time. We are established and held together by Jesus and by the life that we receive as a blessing from seeking after Him.

I hope that everyone can have this sort of blessing in their lives. I love my family, my Journey Group.

Friday, June 18, 2010

My Dad

I love my dad. In honor of Father's Day, I want to share a bit about him with you.
  • Dad is a rock. He is a constant in my life. He has always been there for me.
  • I have never doubted his love for me. Not even when I've disappointed him. He is a great example of unconditional love.
  • Even now in my 30's, Dad will still bait a hook for me when we fish together. I love these reminders that I am still his little girl.
  • Just last week when we traveled to MA, Dad drove to Boston's Logan airport...a 4 hour roundtrip..twice. He's driven to all-sorts of airports all over New England for us.
  • He's a giver of sound advice. Dad's experience and knowledge are jewels to me.
  • Since Dad was laid off in January, we've had more opportunities for phone conversations. I'm enjoying connecting with him more.
  • Dad is a wealth of a no-so-scholarly way. He's a big reader, but never makes you feel like he knows more than you.
  • He's pretty handy too. Dad can handle quiet a bit, and he knows when to ask for help.
  • Dad's very patient. He rarely shows it if he does become impatient.
  • He's extremely helpful. His needs are second when someone has a need. Dad would go to the end of the earth...
Dad is a great example of our heavenly Father's love for us. I love my Dad and especially honor him on this Father's Day.

Friday, June 4, 2010

In my head...

I've got a ton going on in my life and bouncing around in my head these, I'm going to share a bit:
  • Action Week, Oak Leaf Church's version of VBS, is NEXT WEEK!!! With two sessions to choose from and rotations called Connect, Create, Challenge, & Chow, kids are going to have a blast making connections to adults who genuinely care about them and desire to see kids meet Jesus on their level.
  • On Friday, my family & I fly home to Massachusetts. We'll be burying Mike's grandparents who passed in January, visiting my grandpa's grave, hanging with family and catching a Red Sox game.
  • You know that magical feeling you get when you walk down Main Street, USA at Disney World and see Cinderella's Castle? Well, I get that feeling when we walk out into the stands at Fenway Park (and I'm not even a die-hard baseball fan), but something about the Red Sox, Fenway Park and the history of it all catches my breath.
  • I've run into waaaaaaay too many people who can't pronounce Massachusetts, even I'm going to break it down for you: Mass-uh-chew-sets. Really, it's not that difficult. Please practice this a few times.
  • We have ants in our house. Ew, I know. It frustrates me to no end.
  • I'm an introvert. Meaning that people wear me out physically. Just being around people in group settings for periods of time drains me. (Don't get me wrong, I love people). I am learning to identify these situations and find alone time that will fill me up again.
  • The Georgia Barbecue Classic starts today! My husband, brother-n-law and a team of friends are entering for the first time. Their team is Backside Barbeque and they are really clever, talented, funny, guys who sure can smoke a butt (pork, I mean).
Lots going on, lots to pray about. I love how different the seasons of life can be!