I am a Christ-follower, wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend.
My husband Mike and I, along with our two kids, Caeleb and Amber, moved from a small town in western Massachusetts in June 2008 to Cartersville, GA.
West Ridge Church is our home. Mike serves as a lead volunteer in Guest Services, Caeleb serves on the Production team, and Amber serves weekly in the 2&3 year old room. I've served in kids ministry from the start...and God led my heart to working in ministry. Serving and volunteering on the weekends and during the week became a way of life for me. God placed ministry on my heart and I've been blessed to be a part of the staff as the Preschool Director since June 2010.
I love comfort. I have a "squishy" heart as I like to call it. Empathy is a high strength of mine. I cry a lot. I love to laugh and be silly. I love coffee and hot tea. French vanilla candles are my favorite. I love to be creative. I love fantasy stories like the Chronicles of Narnia and The Lord of the Rings. I'm short and therefore think chairs are uncomfortable...I usually tuck my legs up. I have lots of ideas and love to share them. I love soups and stews. I like plans. I am an introvert and usually get quite tired after spending a great deal of time with groups of people. I think I am fairly patient. I love curling up and watching tv. I love crayons and legos, and I can create multiple things out of popsicle sticks and paper plates. I love the colors purple and yellow.