Tuesday, June 14, 2011


We tend to use the word "love" far too often. We attach it to things like chocolate, shoes, and movies. We end texts and conversations with a quick, "luv ya!" We say the words without even pausing to reflect on the emotion.
While I see none of this as wrong, I'm taking a moment to recognize the difference of love as the world knows it, and love as God calls us to.
It's big, this love of God. Yet, as heirs of glory, we are called to love as Jesus did.
"Love one another. As I have first loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:24-35
Jesus loves us so greatly, that he gave up heaven, came to earth to suffer and bear an excruciating death, so that we might share in the glory of resurrection with him. God allowed this because of his love for us. He couldn't bear to leave us alone in our sinful state.

What love...How great...Quite different than my love for chocolate...

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Room makeover...for under $25

It was time to help my 10 year old daughters room grow from "little girl" to "pre-teen". I almost fought this kicking and screaming, but eventually accepted that she's growing up. Together, we transformed her room on an extremely tight budget...under $25!
We picked out three shades of paint: purple, blue and green, purchased the sample size and spent under $10!
In chalk, we then traced three different sizes of circles (I'd collected cardboard circles) in a band about halfway up her wall. With the remaining paint, we also polka-dotted her lampshade and a monogram (we found for under $2) for her door. 
Amber also wanted to incorporate zebra print into her room. I bought a single yard of it for $6 and a roll of lime green ribbon for $3. With a hot-glue gun, I made a table topper for her bedside table, created a simple window topper by wrapping the header to her blinds in zebra, made a memo board with existing cork board, and a pair of jewelry organizers to hang her growing collection of bracelets and necklaces. 

The room has undergone quite a transformation with the addition of polka-dots a zebra print. While it sounds like a lot...the coordinating colors and patterns have kept the room tasteful as opposed to tacky. We have plans to hopefully add zebra sheets and pillowcases in the near future. Stay tuned for more crafting adventures!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Preschool Ministry

I love the age.

Curious.  Willful. Energetic. Eager. Shy. Cranky. Funny. Defiant. Clingy. Full of wonder. Impatient. Entertaining. Resilient...just a few words to describe your average preschooler. (no wonder preschool volunteers go home exhausted!)

As we lead preschoolers towards a relationship with their loving Heavenly Father, we have challenges unlike those presented in elementary, student, and adult ministry. Oh, but these challenges make the journey so much sweeter.

When you serve in preschool ministry, you juggle wiping a nose, tying a shoe, and soothing an upset child...all while teaching a lesson about Jesus.

Yes, the lesson of the day is important. The activities, story, and craft point kids to learn truths about God. But if getting through the lesson is our only focus on Sunday morning, we miss an even greater opportunity. Every interaction in a preschool environment is a chance to model and teach about Jesus. We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus. When we wipe noses, or take a trip to the potty, or quiet a rowdy child, or sit and talk about princesses...our actions are a direct reflection of Christ!

Parents of preschoolers are the biggest influencers in their child's life. When parents are partnered with a church that models Jesus and their children are hearing trusted adults speak truth into their lives and further build up a strong, foundation upon which their faith is built.