Thursday, May 27, 2010

Not right now God

I was reading in James this morning and came across 4:17. It says: "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins."

When we hold back from doing things the Spirit puts upon us- for His glory, not ours - it is sin.

I have identified times like these in my life where an almost audible voice inside of me prompts me to pick up the phone and call someone or go and open up the Bible. For whatever earthly, selfish reasons, I have ignored the Holy Spirit. My excuses my have sounded like this: "that phone call has the potential to be way too long, and I just don't have time for that right now," or, "my bed feels so good, I can read the Bible later."

This is sin. It is ignoring God. Yikes! Of course it's a sin to ignore the creator, our savior, the alpha & omega -beginning and end. How selfish and disgusting of us to think our personal agendas can even begin to measure up in importance to His plan!

Oh, and the missed opportunities to bless others and be blessed! When I live in obedience, according to His will, not mine, I may make that phone call just as a friend is feeling stressed beyond relief, and may be the blessing God intended for me to be. In obedience, I have been blessed with joy in times of sadness, with peace in times of stress, and with love in times of anger.

Do you hear that still, small voice calling? Take heed, and listen. But, "do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourself, do what it says." James 1:22

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Jeremiah 29:11

"' I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future'."

What an awesome promise from the Lord!

I have seen this promise play out. My heart has been stirred for Oak Leaf Church and Kids Ministry for quite some time. After much prayer and patience, I have been blessed with the awesome opportunity to serve on staff at Oak Leaf Church as a volunteer coordinator with Oak Leaf Kids.

I have great respect for Michael, the staff, and the mission of Oak Leaf Church: "Lead people from where they are to where God wants them to be." God meets people where they are in life and people are drawn to Him. Lives are changed at Oak Leaf. I have heard countless stories and seen great change.

I truly believe that if a child has experiences at church where they have fun, feel welcome & loved, and hear Truth about Jesus - they will beg their parents to go back. This past weekend I heard a story from a volunteer about just this: two kids begged their parents to attend Oak Leaf!

I am blessed to be a part of this mission. I trust in God's plan for my life. I cradle it in the palm of my hand, strap on my tool-belt, lace up my running shoes and jump aboard, keeping my eyes on Jesus.

Friday, May 21, 2010

BBQ for a Great Cause

My husband, brother-in-law, and several of our friends have formed a team and are taking on the Georgia Barbecue Classic, a major fundraiser of the Good Neighbor Homeless Shelter in Cartersville, Georgia June 4 &5, 2010.

Come out and support these guys as they smoke it up all night long in hopes of claiming a victory in categories such as "sauce", "ribs", and "pork".

Backsidebarbeque Team Page -

Thursday, May 20, 2010

It's Ok to Have Questions

I lead a "Connection Group"(aka small group) during the City, Oak Leaf church's K-5th experience. About a month ago, we were talking about how it's ok to have questions and doubts.

God wants us to bring those questions to Him. I handed each kid a small piece of paper and a pen and instructed them to think of a question, maybe something they've wrestled with, and anonymously write it down.

I told them that I would collect the papers, pray over them, then take the questions home and continue to pray. What amazed me is how excited the kids were that I was going to be praying for their concerns throughout the week.

As I later read through and prayed over their questions I was struck by some of the things written:
  • "I don't get why Jesus came back from the dead."
  • "Why can't we be perfect?"
  • "Which religion to follow?"
  • "Why doesn't He answer my prayers?"
  • "Why is it so easy to be pulled away from God? But so hard to give up sinful things and follow him?
  • "Why did God put the tree in the Garden of Eden when He knew Eve would eat the apple?"
  • "Why do we never see God?"
  • "Why did my two sisters get split up?"
  • "Who am I really inside of my heart?"
This reminded me that the hearts of children are deep. They wrestle with many of the same things we wrestle with. Even more we need to be connecting with and building up relationships with kids so that they can be told and know without a doubt that God loves them.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Favorite things, part 2

A while back I posted "These are a Few of My Favorite Things." Here's part 2:

  • cinnamon toast, yum! The smell and taste. Growing up it was white bread and lots of it's whole wheat and "spread", but it's oh so close!

  • Freshly painted and purple toes are the best! I think pink and french tips are over-done :)

  • swimming. i love the weightless feeling. (as a kid, i would become a mermaid by putting a scrunchie around my ankles and practice swimming with my "fin"...that's another story)

  • laughing. not polite chuckles, but shake-your-whole-body, pee-in-your-pants, ow-my-stomach-hurts laughing.
  • A good friend. There's nothing like having someone who knows you and can tell your mood just by how you answer the phone.
  • A clean kitchen. My entire house can be a mess and it won't bother me. Life goes on. But a clean kitchen makes me feel good.
  • Visiting my parents house. It's a safe, comfortable place and I feel like a kid again.
  • Coloring. Yes, give me crayons and a coloring book and I surely can entertain myself. I always could stay in the lines.
  • Post-it notes. Multi-colored and in varying sizes, these sticky-backed squares of paper could be used for a multitude of things if you let me.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Yesterday was Mother's Day. I love my mom so are just a few of the many reasons why:
  • she loves matter what. i have never doubted her love.
  • mom has a great sense of humor. and a really funny laugh. when mom, my sister Naomi & I get out! there will be hysterical laughing.
  • mom is smart. really smart. she reads a ton. i always thought she'd make a great contestant on Jeopardy.
  • she is wise. i know that mom will give me sound Godly advice when i need it.
  • she loves Jesus with all her heart and seeks after Him
  • Mom loves my husband and my kids :) she is an awesome Haha (grandma) and she has a real relationship with Mike
  • her tender heart.
  • mom is still in awe of God's creation...and its contagious. She has a way of causing you to stop and really admire & appreciate the world around us.
Happy Mother's Day Mom. Thank you. I love you.

Her children rise up, and call her blessed. Proverbs 31:28

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Riding along in your automobile...

...with your kids beside you at the wheel...What do you do?

Most parents with school-aged kids spend significant amounts of time school, to practice, to friends' houses...What happens in your car during these times? Do you pop in a DVD? Talk on your cell phone? Tune out? Listen half-heartedly to complaints & bickering?

Or do you value this time as precious?

Here's what I've found:
  • You have a captive audience when you are in the car together. Don't take this time to "lecture", but converse. My daughter always opens up about what's going on in school. See this time as a chance to find out what's going on in their lives. I find out more about Amber's life during car rides than I do at any other time.
  • Listening to the music your kids listen to connects you. Let them select the station/song. You may not particularly enjoy the music, but this is about connecting. Don't cut yourself off from your kids' world...share it. I will listen (and sing along) to many of the finds on my 13 year old son's ipod.
  • (side note: do not attempt to be "cool" will never succeed in your middle-schoolers eye!)
  • Allow for a quiet ride. No music...just quiet.
My heart aches when I see the same mom, day after day, in the car-rider lane at school, on her cell phone, with the dual DVD players on in the back...

Parents, you have the most influence on your child...every moment counts!!!