God wants us to bring those questions to Him. I handed each kid a small piece of paper and a pen and instructed them to think of a question, maybe something they've wrestled with, and anonymously write it down.
I told them that I would collect the papers, pray over them, then take the questions home and continue to pray. What amazed me is how excited the kids were that I was going to be praying for their concerns throughout the week.
As I later read through and prayed over their questions I was struck by some of the things written:
- "I don't get why Jesus came back from the dead."
- "Why can't we be perfect?"
- "Which religion to follow?"
- "Why doesn't He answer my prayers?"
- "Why is it so easy to be pulled away from God? But so hard to give up sinful things and follow him?
- "Why did God put the tree in the Garden of Eden when He knew Eve would eat the apple?"
- "Why do we never see God?"
- "Why did my two sisters get split up?"
- "Who am I really inside of my heart?"
This reminded me that the hearts of children are deep. They wrestle with many of the same things we wrestle with. Even more we need to be connecting with and building up relationships with kids so that they can be told and know without a doubt that God loves them.
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