I love the age.
Curious. Willful. Energetic. Eager. Shy. Cranky. Funny. Defiant. Clingy. Full of wonder. Impatient. Entertaining. Resilient...just a few words to describe your average preschooler. (no wonder preschool volunteers go home exhausted!)
As we lead preschoolers towards a relationship with their loving Heavenly Father, we have challenges unlike those presented in elementary, student, and adult ministry. Oh, but these challenges make the journey so much sweeter.
When you serve in preschool ministry, you juggle wiping a nose, tying a shoe, and soothing an upset child...all while teaching a lesson about Jesus.
Yes, the lesson of the day is important. The activities, story, and craft point kids to learn truths about God. But if getting through the lesson is our only focus on Sunday morning, we miss an even greater opportunity. Every interaction in a preschool environment is a chance to model and teach about Jesus. We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus. When we wipe noses, or take a trip to the potty, or quiet a rowdy child, or sit and talk about princesses...our actions are a direct reflection of Christ!
Parents of preschoolers are the biggest influencers in their child's life. When parents are partnered with a church that models Jesus and their children are hearing trusted adults speak truth into their lives and further build up a strong, foundation upon which their faith is built.
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