Friday, June 25, 2010

Journey Group

Also known as a Small Group or Cell Group...whatever you may call it, having a core group of people to surround yourself with and "do life" together is essential for spiritual, emotional & personal growth.

My husband & I are part of a Journey Group. Eight couples meet regularly on Thursday nights to discuss a recently preached, sermon related topic. We are on different steps of our walk with Jesus. We talk about faith, marriage, parenting, politics and what God's word has to say about such topics. Sometimes we debate and disagree. We pray for each other. We are challenged and grown in our personal faith. It is a completely safe environment.

But it's also what happens outside of the parameters of the Thursday night "Journey Group" that makes this group so special, so valuable, so crucial to my relationship with God and with others. These people are my family...the body of Christ. We share in the experiences of life together. We barbecue together. We swim together. We celebrate birthdays together. We bring our kids and pass on the importance of being a part of Christ's family to them. We love to laugh.

I know that I can call upon my Journey Group in times of trouble and they will be there. I trust these people and know I can speak openly and honestly to them and will not be judged. My children have a handful of adults who they can go to for any reason.

Our group is not closed. We invite people to join us at any time. We are established and held together by Jesus and by the life that we receive as a blessing from seeking after Him.

I hope that everyone can have this sort of blessing in their lives. I love my family, my Journey Group.

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