Friday, June 18, 2010

My Dad

I love my dad. In honor of Father's Day, I want to share a bit about him with you.
  • Dad is a rock. He is a constant in my life. He has always been there for me.
  • I have never doubted his love for me. Not even when I've disappointed him. He is a great example of unconditional love.
  • Even now in my 30's, Dad will still bait a hook for me when we fish together. I love these reminders that I am still his little girl.
  • Just last week when we traveled to MA, Dad drove to Boston's Logan airport...a 4 hour roundtrip..twice. He's driven to all-sorts of airports all over New England for us.
  • He's a giver of sound advice. Dad's experience and knowledge are jewels to me.
  • Since Dad was laid off in January, we've had more opportunities for phone conversations. I'm enjoying connecting with him more.
  • Dad is a wealth of a no-so-scholarly way. He's a big reader, but never makes you feel like he knows more than you.
  • He's pretty handy too. Dad can handle quiet a bit, and he knows when to ask for help.
  • Dad's very patient. He rarely shows it if he does become impatient.
  • He's extremely helpful. His needs are second when someone has a need. Dad would go to the end of the earth...
Dad is a great example of our heavenly Father's love for us. I love my Dad and especially honor him on this Father's Day.

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