Monday, January 17, 2011

Betcha didn't know...

...i sprained my ankle running down a mountain at summer camp when i was 16.
...i delivered both of my babies without an epidural - and i loved it.
...i used to eat the homemade playdough my mom made. i still remember the salty taste.
...i secretly sucked my left thumb until the fifth grade.
...i spent two amazing weeks on a mission trip to costa rica when i was 17.
...i operated a home day care out of my home for 2 years.
...i played field hockey in jr high and high school. i was the goalie. all five feet, one inch of me.
...i was married at the age of 20.
...i had a random allergic reaction to chocolate one easter and was unable to devour my giant chocolate bunny.
...mike and i have owned four houses.
...i worked as a waitress in a fine-dining restaurant on-and-off for 10 years.

Just a few fun facts about me! :)

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