Monday, January 10, 2011

i. love. him. :)

I absolutely, wholeheartedly, undeniably love my husband Mike.

I love his sense of humor. He always makes me laugh.

He has an amazing work ethic.

He inspires me.

He loves and seeks God.

He loves his family intensely.

I've witnessed God do amazing things in his life.

He always believes that someone can do and be better...he does not settle for mediocre.

Mike doesn't ride the bandwagon. He's not afraid of being his own person.

I love how he loves our kids.

Mike loves our church and whole-heartedly loves serving there weekly.

He loves people.

He's spontaneous and encourages me to live without a plan sometimes :)

I fit in his hugs just right.

God has been building our marriage piece by piece since the beginning, and I look forward to each new day.  I am thrilled that we are going to grow old together.


Unknown said...

Great post. I've enjoyed getting to know ya'll a little better and hope to continue as we do this ministry thing together. :)

Emily Jenkins said...

thanks James!